Writing and Speaking with Words:
Content Words and Function Words
Content Words
These words are often called "meaning" words or "content" words because they usually hold information that is key to the sentence meaning.
Function Words
These words are often called "function" words because they "do" or "perform" tasks/work/jobs/functions to "stitch", "glue", or "hold together", as well as to modify by elaborating on, content words and other function words.
In Speaking
These words are usually stressed/emphasized in speaking.
These words are usually reduced in speaking (reduced = not stressed/emphasized, but rather said very quickly and often even "swallowed".
In Listening and Reading and Speaking and Writing
- Try writing down content words especially when you're taking notes. - Write function words down if they are important. |
Using Visual Representations
- Note-Taking - Brainstorming - Modes of Writing, Speaking, and Being (Planning, Differentiating, etc.) |
Using Parallel Structure
(with Content Words and Function Words) - Note-Taking - Remembering (Memory) - Making Connections |
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